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As I mentioned previously, I am at a crossroads in my life right now in regards to where to go and what to do with my life.

I have been doing the morning pages religiously every morning when I wake up and also some form of meditation as a way to connect with my true self. At times it is both exciting and scary to really listen and see myself in the morning pages.

As a result of doing these morning pages for the last 5 weeks, I have been experiencing a lot of changes externally and internally. Change for me has been both exciting and scary. I wish to stay grounded and centered in these changes. 🙂

Some of these changes have been joining a choir, playing the guitar, joining a running group and joining a writing group. I am feeling that I want to explore and express myself more creatively. I can see in my own life that I have blocked myself from using my creative talents because of various life commitments such as work, friends, family and other things.

As a part of this change, I have been feeling in my heart to move closer to the country and nearer to the sea and to move away from the busyness of the city life where I am currently living. An opportunity has arisen whereby I can rent a house in a small village in the country and I have decided to go for it and give it 6 months and see what happens. As a part of the move I have enrolled in a training course which is a significant career change for me. The training course is in the social care area. I am both excited and apprehensive about the situation as I have never lived alone before in my life.

I feel that this move is moving me towards what I want even though I am not fully clear on what that is right now 🙂

In moving to the country, I have come up with some intentions that I would like to embrace in moving there;

*  To love, accept and approve of myself for where I am at.

*  To be kind and gentle with myself.

*  To stay open and loving.

*  To trust any inner inspirations I may receive.

*  To explore and develop the creative side of myself by doing the artist way every week and taking action.

*  To trust the process and let go of any outcome or any expectations.

*  To be present to where I am.

*  To listen to my heart and trust it.

*  To have fun and enjoy myself.

*  To say YES to what I want.

*  To stay connected to myself.

*  To stay grounded and centered in whatever happens.

*  To eat healthy and nutritious food.

*  To be grateful for where I am right now and the opportunity it presents.

As always I would love to hear any feedback, comments or words of inspiration.


~ TW