
My purpose in writing this blog is to inspire and empower people to be fully authentic, loving, happy, peaceful and joyful in their lives. I write from my heart and when I feel inspired to. I hope this blog inspires you. Feel free to make a comment or give me any feedback. Namaste. TW

398 thoughts on “About”

  1. Ian Gardner said:

    Dear fellow traveller, I am very glad to make the acquaintence of one with a positive mission. May your writings be of help to many on their journey.


  2. Thank you for your kind comment!! TW


  3. You’re going to change the world!


  4. Thank so much for your very inspiring comment. Wish you much blessings!! TW


  5. The energy of inspiration moves mountains. Grateful to all that voice their inner inspiration to raise the vibrations of the world and all beings!


  6. Hi! Glad you found and liked my blog. This one looks lovely as well – look like you have some wonderful people reading/commenting on here. I am in absolute agreement that it’s a bright gift to find others who are intentionally creating a positive and uplifting vibration!


  7. I love your vision; please keep on inspiring us! And thank you for visiting my blog too 🙂


  8. Thank you so much for stopping by….so nice to meet you : )


  9. Claire Cappetta said:

    Your blog is truly inspirational and uplifting! I look forward to following you and your happy journey in life 🙂


  10. Hi Truth Warrior,
    I’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award – please have a look:

    Have a great day,


  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Look forward to catching up on yours… 🙂


  12. Hi! I nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Go to http://arabwriterchick.com/2012/05/01/the-versatile-blogger-award/ for details. Cheers 🙂


  13. Dear Friend! Just would like to inform you that I am nominating you for a *sunshine award* Kindly check out my blogpost for more details. You can take the image from my blogpost. 🙂

    Congrats and looking forward to reading more of your thoughts…


  14. Thanks for visiting my blog.


  15. WanderingVagrant said:

    Your blog is so beautiful! Thank you for clicking ‘follow’ on mine too 🙂 Happy writing!


  16. Hi thanks for signing up for my blog. Hope you enjoy the journey


  17. bneal817 said:

    In alignment with the intentions you have expressed above, I am nominating you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Check out the routine here:

    Much love! ~ Ben


  18. Hi TW,
    It gives me great pleasure to nominate you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please go to my post of May 8 for more information about receiving this award.
    Thank you for inspiring me!
    ~ Paul


  19. Please accept my Versatile Blogger Award nomination at http://candidconcourse.wordpress.com/


  20. Dear Truth Warrior! I am so glad you visited me because that connected me to this treasure of a blog!! Thank you for sharing from your heart such precious life-transforming thoughts. You can be sure I will be back to catch up! With much appreciation and peaceful wishes sent your way. Loving greetings, Sharon


  21. Great blog. Am now following


  22. Thank you 🙂


  23. I love what your blog is all about. Happy to have found you and looking foward to reading more.


  24. We love the intentions of your blog and hope it becomes an inspiration for people to find their bliss, at Divinesecretsof blog of we would love to hear about the real life personal experiences of women who have acheived life changing experiences so others can take inspiration from these,
    Big Lurve,
    The 39ers


  25. Thank you for stopping by and for the follow my “Photos On The Go”! You gave me the opportunity to discover your blog that is very inspiring! I´m also in interested in your topics and I write about in my other blogs here on WP.

    Thank you for sharing and helping other people to find happiness and love in their life! We have a lot to do to help others with our words to find out that happiness belongs to everyone in this world – each one of us deserves to be happy!

    Sunelly Sims


  26. Thank you so much for your attention to my writing. I have enjoyed visiting here also and your desire to inspire is obviously having a good effect on your readers!

    Count me as a follower here!…….John H.


  27. Thanks so much for following my blog, I’ve followed yours as well. It seems that we’re on the same page! Look forward to more words of insight and inspiration!



  28. You stopped by my little corner of the internet and so I came to pay you a visit. It is truly a testament that God is love by how many inspiring blogs/writers there are. I am so glad you found me, and I hope you will visit agin many times, and if you do, please leave a message.

    God bless


  29. Thanks for deciding to follow. May it prove of worth. 🙂


  30. awwww, what you write here soooo resonates with what my passion and vocation and heart and life are about. how lovely to find a soul-friend! Lisa


  31. Hello. I wanted to stop by to welcome you to http://www.somethingville.com and to say thank you for subscribing to my blog. I hope you enjoy your visits. Have a fabulous weekend!


  32. Hello friend! Awesome blog. Keep in touch! XO


  33. I sure would enjoy looking backwards through your previous posts but with no “archives” widget along the left-side I’d have to keep pressing “previous post” until I got back to the beginning! Don’t have enough time to do that! Looks interesting though!


  34. Thank you for following my blog. Your blog is indeed inspiring.


  35. Thanks for liking my post on distress, TW. LOVE your name, love your energy, love your blog. Beautiful work! I look forward to more of your holistic perspective…


  36. Thank you for liking my joy in giving,. I too believe in being positive and hope to inspire others to feel the same and to promote peace throughout the world. C


  37. Renate Hechenberger said:

    Hello, thank you for visiting and liking my post “(Still) Important Questions”. Really much appreciated. Many blessings.


  38. Hey there!! You’re doing an amazing job in inspiring people! Thanks for following my blog 🙂 I like what you write!


  39. Marie Alesbury said:

    Hey thanks for following my blog…Absolutely love yours! Great to find you http://www.awakentoyourheart.wordpress.com


  40. Thank you for the “like” Truth Warrior. You are on a great mission here 🙂


  41. So glad you liked my post, fellow truth warrior. May truth always be our mission… for when we sincerely seek the truth, we will find it!


  42. Thanks for your comments. Our world needs a better way to communicate and learn from each other. Never stop learning.


  43. Many thanks for following and liking my recent post. Continue to embrace the inspiration to inspire others!


  44. Thanks for dropping by! I’m glad you saw one of my few happy-based posts, and not one of the many other bitchy ones hahaha!

    Take care and keep on inspiring!


  45. I nominated you for the Sunshine Award. I that I think your blog is inspiring. If you choose to accept the award, the guidelines are on my post: http://mysoulfulhealing.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/the-sunshine-award/


  46. Just finished cleaning up from my daughter’s graduation party and saw that you liked my letter to her for her graduation day (Thoughts for Smookie post). I appreciate the gesture. Will be reading your blog also. Thanks so much.


  47. loveblogdotcom said:

    hi! thank you for having your time to visit and like some of my post! I’m quite new and trying to be good somehow, but i feel appreciated by the people here in WordPress or fellow writers/bloggers like you…keep inspiring people! i like your works too, keep it up! ^_^


  48. Hi your blog is so inspiring . . .
    and thanks for dropping by my site . . . 🙂


  49. Thanks for liking my post ‘Don’t play games, just make the request’ and following the blog. You enthuse with your writing, so I look forward to more inspiration as I follow your blog too.

    Keep up the good work.


  50. A great motivating Blog you have here! 🙂


  51. Here in Kerala the daily greeting in Malayalam is “Namaskaram”, a form of greeting that goes beyond a mere hello with a gesture which means “i respect the divine within you”. Quite lovely and with similar sentiments as Namaste. Your site conveys those attitudes. Thanks for stopping by ours. Cheers.


  52. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post, “Can one possess virtue apart from God” blessings to you.


  53. Thank you for stopping by and liking my blog, which is evolving into a pictorial meditation – both for me as I’m creating it and in intention to be experienced by my readers. Thank you for bringing my attention to your work, which dovetails so seamlessly with mine. And thank you for bringing my attention to all the other expressions of Truth you are attracting to your site. Way to go! 🙂


  54. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and for opening me to your intention here, which fires up inspiration in me, as well!


  55. kimolgren said:

    Thanks for going “Round the bend” and checking out my post on my relationship to silence. I’m looking forward exploring more of your interesting and inspiring posts as well.


  56. Thank you so much TW for liking my post, “In His Sight”! What a blessing it is to know that there is yet another positive voice in the world. I’ve met so many on my travels along this, the Upward Way. God’s Blessings on you my friend. I look forward to reading more on your blog as well. Rebecca 🙂


  57. My Tropical Home said:

    Thank you for visiting and following my blog! Yours is truly inspirational.

    I hope you will continue to share and inspire others with your writing.

    Best regards,


  58. staceyjameson said:

    Thank you for visiting my blog and following me, you are very inspirational and uplifting and we always need more of that in this world! Thanks for sharing your happiness and joy. Namaste


  59. Just wanted to let you know I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blogger Award and tell you that I really am enjoying your work. I was happy to take the opportunity to pass your blog on to the people that read mine. Keep sharing!


  60. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Much appreciated. Keep doing what you do.



  61. Love your blog!! I hope to one day develop such comprehensive, thorough, and insightful posts as the ones you’ve archived for the world here! Thank you! =D


  62. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following.


  63. Hey Truth Warrior!
    Nominated you for an award. Come check it out!


  64. I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award because you have a wonderful blog. Here you can find read more about the award http://lifewithinstructions.wordpress.com/ Keep writing! 🙂


  65. Hi TruthWarrior! Thank you for following my blog.

    You have a pretty interesting blog here and a nice layout too. Keep it up! 🙂


  66. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow


  67. saura8h said:

    Dear Warrior,

    Your purpose is divine. I wish you luck & thank you for following.



  68. Thank you so much for liking my post and choosing to follow my blog – Im truly happy that you enjoyed it!! 😀
    – Just Smile


  69. Love your blog! Would also love to know more about you and what you are about. Definitely an inspiration!!


  70. Hey there, just wanted to say thanks for checking out my blog and for the follow. I have read through some of your stuff already and am truly excited to continue reading. I will look forward to your work popping up in my reader! Take care and keep up the great work.


  71. I find your blog very inspiring and I have nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. http://lifewithsarcoidosis.com/2012/06/17/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award/
    I look forward to reading more from you!


  72. Hello and thank you for visiting/following my site. I’ll be looking forward to doing the same for you.

    Keep on keeping on.


  73. Thanks for following my blog. Hope you enjoy it.


  74. Thanks for “like” and follow – means everything to know that something Odin did resonated with others. Really, means the world. All the best!


  75. Travel Culture Food said:

    Hi dearie, Congratulations I have nominated you for the “Versatile Blogger Award”


  76. Glad that you found my lengthy notes on coaching of interest


  77. I love your blog and have nominated you for the Illuminating Blogger award! http://newsofthetimes.org/2012/06/22/the-illuminating-blogger-award-and-some-illuminating-quotes-from-the-alchemist/ Thanks for your great work!!


  78. bandaider said:

    Hello Truth Warrior. I have enjoyed reading your blog and the comments of those who you touch with them. As a developing coach I have also chosen to offer support and challenge to others. I enjoy trying to develop as a ” mindful ” thinker and am sure that your blog will help me too. Thanks for your work.


  79. floatingwiththebreeze

    June 27, 2012 at 9:54 pm

    I’ve nominated you for the Reader Appreciation Award. Here is the link if you would like to accept it. http://floatingwiththebreeze.wordpress.com/2012/06/27/615/ Love your posts.


  80. beautifulrisks said:

    I love your blog! What a light you shine over the internet 🙂 Thank you. Keep up the beautiful writing 🙂


  81. Howdy,

    Feel good being here and I find your thoughts very inspiring. Wish you all the best.


  82. Hey TW! 🙂 Loooove your blog and love to see a fellow truth seeker bringing about positive change. Blessings to you on your journey! xo.


  83. I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can find it here: simplyjuliana.wordpress.com/Very Inspiring Blogger Award


  84. klumpigy said:

    you are such a beautiful writer, really inspiring . I’m just a fan of yours passing on the Inspirational Blogger Award thing, I linked you on my blog ( hope you don’t mind!) so if you wanted to play along to just read the post and follow the rules. Truely awesome


  85. Hi, FYI…I nominated you for a blogger award. Post is here: http://wp.me/p280GD-4l. Namaste…


  86. runningonsober said:

    I’m so happy to have found you here via Ronnie at RHub. I love your positive outlooks and the inspiration you pass to others. Kindred souls tend to seek out each other. 🙂 Have a lovely day!


  87. I really, really, enjoy your blog. I love how you write. You are definitely inspiring. 🙂 I will follow you with enthusiasm. xoxo


  88. Lovely blog 🙂


  89. Thanks for stopping by my blog today – God Bless 🙂


  90. You are on an interesting journey. I hope you find the joy and peace you are searching for….


  91. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog.. really good work with yours 🙂


  92. Such a lovely space – so glad I found you! Very inspiring to read your thoughts… thank you for sharing widely!


  93. Hey, thanks for liking and following my blog! I’m sorta fond of YOUR Website design, too 🙂 Carry on in love and compassion and all things joyful!


  94. I am aligned with you on your mission 🙂 Cheers!


  95. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog today and click on the Like button to my most recent blog post. Also, thank you for choosing to follow my blog. I have started following your blog today and look forward to reading more of your award winning posts. Keep up the great work you’re doing here. Cheers!


  96. Great to see a blog dedicated to inspiring happy lives. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  97. there is much inspiration to be found here on your blog…thank you for visiting me so i could find you today.


  98. i look forward to looking around here, reading more about your camino adventure.
    thanks for stopping by


  99. Hello…thank you for liking one of the posts on my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has encouraged you. Please continue check in on us from time to time and follow if you will. Thank you again and remember to have Faith 1st.


  100. I love your inspiring blog and nominated you for an award: http://runeatlife.me/2012/11/27/awards/


  101. Divine Lunacy said:

    I have just nominated you for an Illuminating Blogger Award: http://divine-lunacy.com/2012/12/03/illuminating-blogger-award/


  102. realistic bird said:

    I have nominated your blog for 2012 Blog of the Year Award 🙂

    Blog of the Year 2012 award


  103. I see you’ve already been nominated for “A Lovely Blog Award,” but I nominated you again. Here’s the link: http://whetyourwoman.com/2012/12/23/three-blog-awards/ Fantastic blog.


  104. Hi, I nominated you (again) for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award… http://juliannevictoria.com/about/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award/


  105. Dear fellow blogger,

    I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award. Congratulations!!

    Please read all about it here: http://authentunity.com/2013/01/21/nominated-for-the-very-inspiring-blogger-award/

    Namaste ❤


  106. Thank you so much for liking my post and for the follow! Nice to link up with fellow like-minded people. I love the name of your blog!


  107. Hey, you’ve been nominated for an award! Check out the link here http://licensedmentalhealthcounselor.wordpress.com/2013/02/21/1492/


  108. lrbweitzel said:

    Thank you for the follow! I really appreciate it! I love your blog!!


  109. Thanks so much for sharing your blog with all of us. We can all use more truth and integrity. And thanks for introducing us to The Artist Way. It is something I will be investigating. Thanks, too, for stopping by The Noontimes blog.


  110. What beautiful work! love and blessings XX


  111. Hi! I nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award because I like your blog and because your work and words have encouraged me. You can learn more about it here: http://lellielieb.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/very-inspiring-blogger-award/ Thanks for the inspiration!


  112. HI,I nominated you for a new award – the WordPress Family Award. Please check out my site to accept the award. Congratulations! http://imconfident.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/the-wordpress-family-award/


  113. Thanks for following my new blog on “The Very Best of Youth Sports”. I am new at this, so I was curious as to how you came across it?? Thanks again!


  114. Thanks for stopping by my site and liking my post. I love what I see her and I look forward to getting to know you.


  115. Adriatic Heart said:

    Thanks for your like! I like that you are hoping to inspire people to be authentic. Perhaps people often aren’t because, as portrayed in the video in my post, of low self esteem. It’s good if we can encourage others to believe in themselves!


  116. I’ve been seeking the truth for most of my life. What I have learned to date is that my definition of “Truth” keeps changing as I mature. I suppose that is a good thing. Words may inspire, but they also limit our understanding.


  117. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following my adventures. I’m glad to have clicked the link and arrived here. I look forward to reading more… I really respect your good intentions in and for the world.


  118. Very nice blog and great content…well done. Don’t stop!
    Also, thank you for “liking” the “Leadership Strikes” blog. I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to read my thoughts.

    Best wishes,


  119. Hey, thanks for stopping by and following my little blog! I’ve returned the favour. I love what you’re doing here, mate! Cheers!! 😀


  120. Greetings from Yorkshire! thanks for reading and liking my blog. May your words be heard.


  121. Thank you, Truth Warrior, for following my blog. What a lovely blog you have yourself.


  122. Oh, I like this thought. I like it very much.


  123. TW, Thank you for your beautiful work! Sending you love!


  124. Just stumbled upon your blog.Read some of your posts.Found them really awesome.Will certainly take out time to read other posts too.It seems I will certainly get inspired by your writing.


  125. Thank you The Truth Warrior, for joining up with us it’s appreciated and we hope you will be blessed as we share together what is real Truth.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  126. Anika Goldhahn said:

    Hello fellow pilgrim! 🙂 Thanks for subscribing to my yellow-arrow camino blog. I checked out yours and found it very inspiring. I subscribed as well. Looking forward to explore your blog further.


  127. Hello TW- Thank you for following my photography blog. I hope I inspire you as much as you do others. Terrific blog!


  128. I am currently writing a blog about spiritualism, life, story and culture. Any suggestions on how to write universally? Where do you get your inspiration from. Keep up the good work, I am engaged and excited by what you do!\


  129. Christmas Love, Joy, and many blessings for you The Truth Warrior and for the New Year too, from both of us

    Christmas is also all about Loving God with our hearts, which means we also reach out to others in Love, even if they don’t reach back.

    Blessings – Anne


  130. Thank you for subscribing to my blog.


  131. What a great goal to have! Thank you for following. Pat


  132. Thanks for showing interest in what I put out too. I sincerely hope you continue to find my works entertaining & pleasurable. Be safe.


  133. thejoshgreesonbachshow said:

    Hello! Thank you so much for following my blog and liking my post about scary movie. I really appreciate your generosity.


  134. Truth Warrior thank you so much for the follow it is really appreciated, welcome aboard. If you have any suggestions, requests just drop me a line. Nice blog and given the subject I like the frequency of your posts – not too much. MM 🍀


  135. Inspiring and positive blog! I’m glad there’s still people supporting the world peace and happiness. Looking forward to new thoughts!


  136. TW: Truth is definitely a life-long pursuit (for more than one lifetime….). I chose “Beauty” but I suspect the two have a lot in common 🙂 Thanks for the follow.


  137. Thanks, TW, for stopping to read, and like my blog, “It’s Never Too Late.”
    Wishing you all good things, Elizabeth


  138. i really relate to your posts – thank you so much! aleya


  139. I’ve nominated you for The Lighthouse Award – thanks for all your great posts. Find out more here: http://absolutelylucy.wordpress.com/awards/ xx


  140. I just found your blog through the ‘You May Like’ on my reader and I’ve read several posts and have really enjoyed reading it thus far. I look forward to reading more.


  141. theoccidentalreader said:

    Finding your blog tonight is probably a coincidence, but I prefer to think otherwise. It is exactly what I needed at this very moment, and as-of-late, finding what I need at just the right time for me to be open to it has been happening a lot. Looking forward to following.


  142. Hey Thanks you for following my blog. You’ve some great information here. Keep it up 🙂


  143. Thank you so much for your recent decision to follow Learning from Dogs. That is very much appreciated. Hope to see your comments from time to time. Best wishes, Paul.


  144. Nice to meet a fellow TW! A commitment to live authentically is probably the most important thing a person could do. It’s also nice to meet someone committed to filling the world with positive energy. Thank you.
    And thank you for following our blog. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey, both inner and outer.
    Blessings and namaste, Alison

    Liked by 1 person

  145. The Little Butch That Could (TLBTC) said:

    Thank you for the “follow.” Some believe that all things happen for a reason. I think your blog couldn’t have arrived at my doorstep at a better time. Peace.


  146. A truly wonderful blog. And your repeatedly amazing articles brought me here to read about you. I was curious to know where you reside as in which country? Also, I love the fact that you use ‘Namaste’ at the end of each of your comment 🙂 But would you mind telling me why you chose to use this? I’ll be eagerly waiting for your response!


    • Hello there 🙂 Thank you for your curious questions. At the moment I would prefer to remain anonymous in regards to which Country I reside 🙂 “Namaste” means I respect the spirit within you. Its an Indian spiritual greeting which can also be used to say hello and goodbye. Namaste. TW


      • Thank you for replying. Now that you have decided to remain anonymous, I’m even more curious! Also, quite co-incidentally, I’m from India and it’s good to see you use Namaste, whether you belong to India or not! Stay amazing as always, and I choose to say it – Namaste 🙂


  147. Love the purpose of your blog – and the content I’ve read so far…thank you for checking out mine as well!


  148. I liked your short and simple “about” page, and especially your reference to authenticity and writing from the heart and when inspired. Thanks for choosing to follow my blog.


  149. Thanks for taking a look at my blog. Yours looks like one that I would be very interested in. Will drop in from time to time to take a look.
    Much abundance and good fortune with your site.



  150. Thank you for adding Shadows of Love to your reading, Truth Warrior.


  151. The City Hippie said:

    I am ALL ABOUT this blog!!! Well done! Cheers!


  152. Hi, I am happy that you found my Blog interesting. I like your outlook on life. It is always good to be positive and look at life through the eyes of a child. Innocence prevails. I like your views.



  153. Your blog is truly inspirational, I’m so glad you followed me! Thank you 🙂


  154. Thanks so much for following my blog. I look forward to your posts.


  155. hello there, thank you for checking out my blog. Be well


  156. thanks for dropping by 🙂


  157. Thanks for the follow. It is much appreciated. Cheers!


  158. I love your gentle and compassionate approach to life that really shines through in each of your blogs. Thank you! You are beautiful example and my desire is similar. My own journey to more–more love and compassion and joy is engaging and fun when shared with others.


  159. Hello and thank you for liking my blog enough to follow , I shall look forward to reading yours!




  161. Thank you for following my ‘bench’. It is nice to meet you and discover your blog. I look forward to reading more of your reflections and inspirations.

    Peace – Carrie


  162. What an honor it is to have you following my blog! I look forward to getting to know you and your posts in the future. Thank you and blessings,


  163. Shery Alexander Heinis said:

    Thank you very much for following my blog! I have not yet explored yours fully, but so far, what I’ve found seems quite interesting and inspiring. I look forward to reading more, learning and growing, Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insights.


  164. Hodgepodge 4 the Soul said:

    Hello dear one. Thank you for following and for being such a sweet light… 🙂


  165. Thank you for following my blog! 🙂


  166. Thanks for following my blog. And your header picture is gorgeous!


  167. mzpresser said:

    Thanks for the follow! Looking forward to exploring your blog as well!


  168. Keep on keeping on! Being authentic is always the best practice 🙂


  169. MissMrs11 said:

    By you taking the time to read over my thoughts, I was able to find your inspiring thoughts. Thank you :). I hope you know how important it can be to someone who really needs it to read the truth that you elegantly put out there.

    Take care~


  170. Thank you for stopping by and the follow. You have an inspiring message and I would like to read more of your writing.


  171. Hi TW. Thank you for visiting and following HoB. Much appreciated!


  172. momofone2010 said:

    hi the truth warrior i nominated you to the one lovely blog award. http://arealmomswayofblogging.wordpress.com/2014/11/04/one-lovely-blog-award/


  173. You hv a very nice inspiring thoughtful blog
    Glad you follow my blog


  174. OrpheusWork said:

    I love the idea of your blog, and look forward to reading more of it.


  175. Sorry for the late reply as I was up to my ears in packing boxes. Thanks so much for the follow.


  176. I admire your motivation for your blog, and thank you for following mine.


  177. I am honored that you are following my blog. Going to investigate yours right now but the About is hopeful. Namaste, Ellen


  178. Thank you for following my blog, “A Way With Words.” My joy in writing is made more complete when people read what I’ve written and even more as they respond.

    I write mainly on faith and mental illness, though am known to dabble in other subjects, stories, and even the occasional poem. If you have any requests, please contact me.

    I appreciate what you are doing here on your blog. May you be blessed in your life and writing as you bless others.

    Tony Roberts


  179. Tubularsock thanks you for the follow.


  180. Thank you for your interest in my blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts- I love what see!-


  181. Hi,
    I nominated you for the Versatile blogger award.


  182. claradoodles said:

    Hello 🙂 Thanks for following me. I found you through WP suggested readings, and a lot of what you write, i do connect with. Thanks for sharing your truth. Or maybe its all our truth ha! 🙂


  183. your blog is interesting and inspiring….a true learning experience …


  184. Hi TW! I really enjoy your writing and have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! You can read more about it here: https://authenticallyaurora.wordpress.com/2015/03/02/very-inspiring-blogger-award/


  185. Thank you for following my blog, “From the Gross to the Sublte.” I am so sorry it took me a while to get over here. I was using my blog to focus on my students–I never considered how many interesting stories there are in the blogiverse. Thank you for sharing your passion and inspiring others.


I would love to hear any feedback or any comments you may have. Thank you.