Is The Truth Making You Happy?


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Our lives are governed by our beliefs. Many of them, we may believe to be the truth. Often times these beliefs, can have the potential to create happiness or unhappiness in our lives and the world around us. Two people with the exactly same set of circumstances and conditions, can have a completely different experience, because of the beliefs they hold.

The beliefs which we choose to believe are rarely an absolute truth. Beliefs are usually a relative truth. At times they can feel like they are actually the truth, because of the evidence we have created about them from our lives. This evidence can evolve from the media, society, people around us, personal experience, parents, teachers and religion.

Our level of happiness can be significantly impacted by the beliefs we choose to adopt in our lives. If for example, we believe a belief to be the truth such as, “life is hard”, this can pave the way to creating more unhappiness. By having unhappy generating beliefs, we can feel more dis-empowered and feel like a victim.

We maybe also less likely to take action to change our situation, if it is required. Because of these beliefs, we could be angry and bitter about things in our life, because they are clouding our perception of the person or the situation. Lack of happiness, peace, joy and love, can be a result of these unhappy beliefs. They can also keep us stuck in life rather than move forward.

Many people can believe that their unhappiness is caused by outside circumstances, people and things. When I traveled India, about a year ago, I noticed that some of the people there had very little in terms of materialism, however they appeared to be genuinely very happy. We can get into the cycle of blaming other people or other things for our unhappiness and say “you are making me sad, angry or unhappy”. However it is usually the beliefs we are believing, which can be creating this experience for us.

When we choose to believe more happy beliefs in our lives, we become more empowered in our experience. We can get more out of life and start living more like a victor. We begin to know that happiness is an inside job and it is not dependent on something outside of ourselves. We feel that we are in control of our lives, rather than allowing circumstances or people determine and control our level of happiness. When we adopt happy generating beliefs, the consequence is that we feel more positive and optimistic.

Here are a few questions I have come up with, in how to change your beliefs to more happy ones:

√   In regards to what I am believing right now – would I prefer to be right or be happy?

√   How is it serving me to believe these unhappy beliefs?

√   What are the consequences of believing these beliefs?

√   Do I really want to change these beliefs?

√   Are these beliefs really true and what is the evidence? 

√   If I choose to believe something different, how would I feel?

√   What could I choose to believe now, to change this belief?

As always I would love to hear any feedback, comments or words of inspiration you may have.



5 Keys To Create More Possibility In Your Life For 2015


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Anything can be possible, if we believe that it is possible. It usually starts first in our minds and in the way we think. Whether we think something is possible or not, usually we are right.

When we come from a place of possibility in our lives, we come from a place of unlimited thinking. We choose to not place limitations or restrictions on who we are or how we should be in the world. If you see children, most of them have a look of curiosity and possibility on their faces. They normally believe that they can be, do or have anything. They are generally not limited by their thinking, in what they can or cannot create or achieve in their lives.

Originally, most of us were full of possibility when we were younger, however along the way, much of our thinking became influenced by our parents, our teachers, our friends, our society, our bosses and the media, which at times resulted in our thinking becoming limited. Our beliefs could have changed to;

“I can’t do this”

“I can’t do that”

“I’m not good enough”

“I’m too old or too young”

“I don’t have enough of…….”

“I need… achieve this”

“The world is a scary place”

“I won’t succeed or I will fail”

All these beliefs are from a place of lack of possibility. Beliefs like these and many others, do not help us on our path to create more possibility, choices or abundance in our lives.

When we are restricted or constricted with thinking which does not create possibilities in our lives, it can hold us back from becoming the amazing person we can be in the world. This thinking can lead us down a path of living a small, insignificant life, which can be unfulfilling, unrewarding and maybe lack any meaning or purpose. It can prevent us from us from expressing our talents and gifts in areas such as playing music, writing, painting, acting, singing and many other creative areas. Thinking like this can also move us into a negative and unworthy place in our lives.


When we choose to believe in possibility, with ourselves and the world we live in, our whole world opens up. We start seeing things from a completely different perspective. We come from a place of openness and non-judgement. We let go of the beliefs which hinder us. We usually start to feel good about ourselves and the environment around us. We feel more confident and worthwhile in ourselves. We start to see the world as a glass half full rather than half empty. We also attract more positive opportunities into our lives because of the very nature of our possibility thinking.


Here are a few guidelines I have come up with in regards to creating more possibility in your life;


√   Ask yourself – if everything was possible, what would I do?

√   Brainstorm possible solutions to a particular problem in your life – use mind maps by Tony Buzan to help you.

√   Ask yourself – who  says this is not possible and is it really true?

√   Talk to people who have created what you believe is impossible and ask them how they did it?

√   Surround yourself with people who think possibilities –  people who are uplifting and positive.

As always I would love to hear any feedback, comments or words of inspiration you may have.



Are You A Groundhog?


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I recently watched the movie, Groundhog Day and it got me thinking that many of us, myself included can be living our own groundhog day. A groundhog is a creature of habit. Much of our lives are governed by habits we have adopted in our lives and these habits can be serving us and not serving us.

We can have good habits and bad habits. We can have habits which reduce our quality of life or increase it. We can have habits which lead our lives to a place of misery and destruction or to a place of happiness and fulfillment.

We may have habits such as smoking, drinking lots of alcohol, eating the wrong foods, not exercising, hanging out with the wrong people, spending money rather than saving it or even going to bed late. Most of our lives can be a routine of habits, day in and day out. These habits can become unconscious in that we don’t even realise or are not aware that we are doing them.

Companies, especially food and drink, know that consumers like you and me, are creatures of habit. How many of us change our brand of cereal or washing powder, which we buy in the supermarket every week? We rarely do! These companies know that once a consumer starts buying a certain product and if they are happy with it in regards to the quality and the quantity, then there is a high possibility that the customer will continue buying that particular product for a very long time.

A habit is usually a learned or routine pattern of behaviour, which is repeated so often that it becomes automatic or unconscious. If for example, you wake up in the morning and unconsciously have a cigarette, you have a habit. You could also have the habit of doing some physical exercise everyday, as well.

At times, lots of our old habits can be very hard to break and new habits can be hard to create. These old habits, which we repeat most often, can become ingrained in our brain. That is why at times, it can be so hard to break a habit, because of the emotional and psychological attachment or dependency we may have with the habit.

There is immense power and reward if we choose to adopt good habits in our lives. Good habits could be anything from exercising regularly, getting up early in the morning to eating healthy foods. When we choose to adopt positive habits, we usually feel the difference in our mental and physical health, our relationships, our financial situation and even in our environment.

At times it can be easier said than done, to change a habit. Here are a few tips I have come up with in regards to changing a habit;

√   Become aware of the habit that you would like to change.

√   Ask yourself – how is it serving me to have this habit?

√   What are the consequences if I continue with this habit?

√   Look for an alternative positive habit to replace your existing habit.

√   What is the positive gain or the reward you will get by embracing this new habit?

As always I would love to hear any feedback, comments or words of inspiration you may have….


~ TW

What Is Your Excuse?


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Beautiful Landscape

We can all dream of living the life of maybe a singer, an actor. a writer, a musician, a teacher or maybe just traveling the world. However many of us can block ourselves from pursuing our hearts desires because of the excuses we tell ourselves and the excuses we believe to be the truth.

These excuses can range from;

“I’m too old”
“I don’t have the time”
“I don’t have the money”  
“ I’m too young”
“I’m not creative enough”
“It won’t work out”  
“I have too much to do”  
“It’s just not practical”
“I’m too tired”   
“I will not succeed in this”   
“I’m not good enough”
“It’s not realistic”


I can see in my own life that I have been guilty of some of these excuses. I have found it fascinating the lies we can tell ourselves. I remember when I decided to go to India over 10 months ago, it had been a long time desire of mine to go there. At the time I was still working and I was making up all these excuses of why I couldn’t go and shouldn’t go….”I don’t have the time” “I don’t have the money” and “It won’t work out”. However I found when I made the decision and took action, that all these excuses just fell away.

Many of us can make excuses because we are maybe afraid of being rejected or we have the fear of failure. I believe that if we really knew that we would succeed, what would stop us from trying or going for it? We may also be worried about what other people think of us in regards to if we fail or even succeed. We could also be afraid of the possibility of being truly happy in our lives…

Unfortunately if we continue to make excuses in our lives and we don’t go for what we truly want, then we can end up living a life of regret, saying that I should have done this and I should have done that. We can become bitter, angry and even depressed because we are not listening to ourselves and trusting and acting on this inspiration we receive. We can end of living a life of wishing and hoping things were better and possibly wasting our lives away.

When we choose to stop making excuses and start taking action towards what we want to be, do or have, we immediately begin to feel good about ourselves. We start being happier and more joyful. We begin to feel more enthusiasm, excitement and energy for life. This state of happiness affects everybody we meet and we become more alive in ourselves.

Here are a few tips in how you can stop making excuses in your life;

√   Ask is this excuse really true?

√   If I didn’t believe this excuse, what would I do?

√   How is it serving me to believe this excuse?

√   What are the consequences of believing this excuse?

√   What is the first step I could take, to change or make this happen now?

√   What’s next?

As always I would love to hear any feedback, comments or words of inspiration you may have…


~ TW

The Magic Of Asking The Right Questions


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Most of us want to improve some area of our lives, however at times this can be easier said than done. They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. This is very true. Another definition could also be asking the same questions over and over again and expecting a different result.  I was reflecting to myself the other day, on the importance of asking ourselves the right questions.

Our lives are filled with opportunities and challenges every day. Often times it can be our negative view points, poor attitudes or limiting beliefs which can block us from creating solutions to our problems. We could have a job we hate, be struggling financially, be in a relationship that isn’t fullfilling or have other problems. Many of us have been guilty, myself included, of going into the cycle of focusing on the problem by complaining and blaming, however this way of responding rarely gets us positive results.

Asking questions such as; Why me? What else can go wrong? Why does this always happen to me? How come I never seem to get what I want? What is wrong with me? Or why am I always doing this to myself? rarely help to reframe our situation to a more empowering positive one. When we engage in problem focused questions, they dont help us move to a more positive place in our lives and only disempower us to continue with the negative problem focused story in our heads.

When we choose to start asking ourselves questions which are more focused and positive, we are more likely to get more happiness and peace in our lives. They can help us to see our situation from a different view point and empower us to let go the limiting beliefs we have about our situation. We are also more likely to take positive action which best serves us and those around us. These questions also open our minds to more possibilities and opportunities.

If you have a situation in your life, which you consider a problem, here are a few solution focused questions you may like to ask yourself;

*   What do I need to understand or learn from this experience?

*   What could I do to change or improve my situation?

*   What’s next?

*   What do I want to happen?

*   What is the next step I need to take to create a solution in this situation?

*   What am I grateful for now?

*   How could I turn this situation around?

As always I would love to hear any feedback, comments or suggestions you may have….
